Next Intake Will Be Early 2027
You may wish to join our Voyaging Together on-line journey circle in the meantime as a way to keep in touch and begin your Vision Voyages community adventure. We have previous graduates of the Sacred Path Apprenticeship in our group. It is an advanced community of heart-based souls!
You came here fully formed; your gifts come from your ancestral lineage. Our goal is to be of support as you re-connect with long-held wisdom from your own shamanic roots. You are the sculptor chipping away until you reveal your brilliance.
In the process of un-becoming our inherited and learned conditionings we learn what true seeing and freedom are. We are released from our self-limiting thoughts. We learn to live large and embody our ancestral gifts. |
“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.” – Michaelangelo
FOUNDATION - Level 1 gives you the strong and steadying roots of a solid foundation for your shamanic practice, whether you intend to go further and become a Shamanic Practitioner, or if you wish only to live a deep and sacred shamanic lifestyle.
The Foundation Course includes:
We will be going further and deeper with everything explored in Level One supporting you, as you practice. |
Level 3 invites you into MASTERY. Building on earlier modules you will now learn highly advanced healing practices. We also take you to the level where you can begin to teach. You will learn to teach others to journeying and learn to hold a circle in your community.
This year is about honing your unique style and finding your excellence so you may share your passion about shamanism with others in a grounded ethical way. We physically meet for 3 gatherings of 5 days and 8 monthly Conference calls. There will be homework assignments, self-reflections, crafting and case studies to complete. During the course of the year you will attend a live 8 week on-line Colour Athenaeum, an in-depth training with the Colour Rays. You will learn:
Please note: Level 3 is tailored to the individuals present in the group. It is dedicated to supporting each one to fully master their practice.
"Thank you so much! I have really been loving this course. It's everything I hoped. I'm so excited to see where we're going!" First year student
"Deep gratitude to you two ladies – your sharings and open hearts really hold the sacred space to unload and crash the gears a bit whilst learning the new skills and application of gifts and knowledge… truly blessed to have found you both – I feel you are holding the doors wide open to the realms of higher frequency and our route maps for finding our true roles here on the blue planet"
D.R. See more testimonials here...
Chetna has worked extensively in the UK, USA, Greece, Japan, and India. She is committed to traveling anywhere in the world to share her life’s work and passion with those who are open, and feel a deep calling to the mystic and shamanic path.
If you would like Chetna to consider a workshop in your area or country please get in touch.